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InBody Body Composition Scan

InBody Scan

The InBody 570 goes beyond traditional body composition analysis, measuring fat, muscle, and total body water. Total body water data can be divided into intracellular water and extracellular water, values important for understanding a user’s fluid distribution in medical, wellness and fitness contexts.

Used in Elite Sports Clubs around the world

Explore the InBody 570

60 Seconds

Measure body fat, muscle mass and water levels in less than a minute

InBody App

Use the InBody App to track your body composition data to achieve your fitness goals

No Estimations

Age and gender is not sued to make assumptions about your body composition measurement

Over 40 Parameters

Regularly monitor multiple parameters to understand how your diet and training regime are influencing your body composition

explore your results

Our app allows you to get the full-service offerings of a doctors office from the comfort of your home.

Find out More

An InBody 570 body composition scan is a non-invasive, bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) test that measures the different components of your body, such as muscle, fat, water, and bone. It is a quick and easy test that can provide you with valuable insights into your overall health and fitness.


At Priceline Pharmacy Bourke Street West we want to make healthcare accessible and affordable. To do an InBody Scan costs only $25 

The scan is safe however it is not suitable for pregnant women, or any candidate with pacemaker or similar electronic implanted device

Before the test: 

  • Do not eat or drink in 1 to 2 hours before your scan appointment.
  • Do not exercise 1 to 2 hours before your scan.
  • Wear light clothes and try to wear the same or similar clothes for all future scan appointments.
  • You only need to remove your shoes for the test

There are many benefits to getting an InBody 570 scan, including:

  • Track your progress over time. The InBody 570 can be used to track your progress over time, so you can see how your body composition is changing in response to your diet and exercise routine.
  • Set realistic goals. Once you know your body composition, you can set realistic goals for yourself, such as losing weight, gaining muscle, or reducing your body fat percentage.
  • Identify health risks. An InBody 570 scan can help you identify potential health risks, such as obesity, osteoporosis, and sarcopenia.
  • Make informed decisions about your health. By understanding your body composition, you can make informed decisions about your health, such as what foods to eat, how much exercise to do, and whether you need to see a doctor.

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