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Absence from Work Certificate


When you need to take sick leave from work, most employers will require you to provide a certificate from a health professional, such as a medical certificate or Absence from Work certificate.

We can provide you with an Absence from Work certificate. This is a quick and easy way to get the required certificate without having to visit a doctor or make an appointment.

What is an Absence from Work Certificate?
Certificate for Absence from Work is a form of evidence used to confirm that an employee is unable to attend work either due to illness, injury, or having to care for family or a household member.
Is an Absence from Work certificate the same as a Medical Certificate?
No, a Medical Certificate can only be issued by a Medical Practitioner such as a GP.

Can you get an Absence from Work Certificate for Personal Leave?
Yes, a certificate can be issued for Personal Leave. It must be that the Pharmacist’s opinion is that you are unable to work due to personal illness or injury.

Can you get an Absence from Work Certificate for Carer’s Leave?
Yes, a certificate can be issued for Carer’s leave if the person is providing care or support to a family or household member who is sick, injured or affected by an emergency.

What are the conditions for a pharmacist providing me an Absence from Work Certificate?
The Pharmacist at your local Priceline Pharmacy will conduct a face-to-face consultation (either in person or via video conferencing) and will only issue a certificate if they are professionally qualified to assess the illness or injury; and if in their professional opinion you are unfit to work.

If the pharmacist is issuing a carer’s leave certificate, they may request a consultation with the ill or injured family/household member as well as the person requesting carer’s leave. Where this is not practical, the pharmacist will use their own judgement to verify that carer’s leave is required.

Do I need to make an appointment?
No appointment is necessary, we welcome walk-ins.

Are there certain times I can come in?
We are able to consult with you within our trading hours, please contact your local Priceline Pharmacy to find trading times convenient to you.

How long is a consultation?
The appointment will be quick and convenient, only taking up to 10 minutes.

What do I need to do prior to my consultation with a Priceline Pharmacist?
There are a couple of things you will need to make sure of before your appointment:

  • Confirm with your employer that a certificate issued from a pharmacy is acceptable
  • Bring with you any documentation, such as prescriptions or previous certificates that relates to your request for an Absence from Work Certificate
  • Before commencing your consultation, you will need to be aware of the following:
  • A certificate issued by a pharmacist is not accepted for any other purpose than as evidence to support your absence from work due to illness, injury or carer’s leave
  • The opinion provided during the consultation is that of a pharmacist, not of a medical practitioner. If you require the opinion of a medical practitioner, we recommend making an appointment with your local GP.
  • The consultation does not replace medical treatment, opinion or diagnosis, and if the illness or injury persists of worsens, seek the attention of your GP
  • A certificate can only be issued starting from the date of your consultation, not before and not after.

Can all Pharmacists write certificates?
Yes, all Priceline Pharmacists are qualified to write them, however we encourage you to call ahead to double check.

Do I need a Medicare card to be able to make an appointment?
No, you won’t require a Medicare card for this service.

Is this service bulk billed?
No, all consultations are $29.95.

Do I need to get a prescription on the day to be eligible?
No, this is not a requirement of this service.

Will a record of my consultation be completed and filed by the Pharmacist?
Yes, the Pharmacist is legally obligated to create a record of your consultation. The documentation will be stored in a secure and confidential manner.

What is the period for which a certificate will be issued?
During the consultation the Priceline Pharmacist will assess the illness or injury to determine the period of time off work for which the certificate will be issued. Please note, Pharmacists are only able to issue certificates for up to two days. If the pharmacist determines that a longer period is required, they will decide if it is within their scope to issue a certificate for longer, and if it isn’t, they will refer to a medical practitioner.

What illnesses or injuries are outside of the scope of practice for a Pharmacist?
It is well within the rights of the pharmacist to decide whether or not the illness or injury is within their scope of practice and will advise you if this is the case.

Pharmacists are not able to issue a certificate if it is required for:

  • ‘Return to work’ purposes, as further or ongoing assessments of fitness to return to work are outside of their scope of practice. If this is required, they will refer you to a medical practitioner.
  • Pregnancy-related requests, unless they determine it is a minor ailment within their scope of practice.
  • Compassionate or maternity leave
  • A purpose other than proof of personal/carer’s absence from work
  • An extension to an existing certificate.

When can a pharmacist decline my request for an Absence from Work Certificate?
Priceline Pharmacist’s are not obligated to issue an Absence from Work Certificate and will use their professional judgement to decide whether a certificate should be issued following the consult. The circumstances in which a Priceline Pharmacist may decline to issue a certificate includes but is not limited to:

  • Your illness or injury requires immediate medical attention
  • You are capable of performing work duties and are not a danger to others
  • Your request is for an extended period (longer than 2 days)
  • The certificate is required for other obligations or events outside of work.
  • For example: court appearances, sporting events and educational facilities.
  • If they believe you have been untruthful
  • If they feel uncomfortable issuing a certificate
  • If you are not physically present for your consultation
  • If there is a potential conflict of interest. E.g. if they are a family member or a staff member
  • If the request is for workers compensation.